Saturday, September 15, 2012

What I am Lovin' Linky

 So I was browsing around the lovely posts I have been missing out on lately and came across Megan's over at I Teach.  What's your super power?.  She has started a linky party about the little things that we just can't live without in our daily classroom lives.  So here are my few things thus far I have found I need to have to survive each and every chaotic day.

 I would not survive a week, much less a day without my planner/calendar.  This baby helps me keep track of all those lovely due dates and tasks that never seem to be completed.  My lesson plan book is under my calendar, but that book is my Bible for teaching right now...
 I don't like pens. AT ALL.  I absolutely LOVE them!  I love color, color, and more color.  It makes me happy to choose random colors or pick a color I am in the mood for and use it to write all over stuff.  You should see how color my teacher interactive notebooks are.  The students get a kick out of how many different colors I try to use.
 Dr. Pepper is my savior.  On my way to work I usually stop at Whataburger or McD's to get breakfast and a LARGE Dr. Pepper.  It will usually last me through lunch time, which is when I will pull out my UNT camelback and drink some water. 
Last but not least, my teacher notebook.  This is where I write notes from meetings, trainings or things I need to remember how to do.  My administration gave every teacher a composition book to help them keep it all in one place, and to help us keep track of our professional development hours we need for recertification.  I think it's a great idea.  So I decked mine out with an owl, of course!  I also put colorful duct tape on the spine.  I couldn't use plain purple because my homeroom class's teacher interactive notebook has a purple spine and I didn't want to get them confused.  I also made a label in pale green that says "Ms. Wood's Notebook" that I will tape on underneath Mr. Owl.  I need to tape the whole front cover because Mr. Owl is already getting beat up (look by his right wing..).

So those are a few of the things I have come to depend on, other than my grade level team, to help me get through each day.  Please go on over to Megan's page and link up with things you need each day.

I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

I am off to bed.  I refereed 4 soccer games today (in a lovely 70 degrees, in TEXAS), and that just about did me in after my chaotic week.  Tomorrow I will be sitting at my six-foot folding table grading papers and entering them into the grade book like a crazy mad-person.  I also have to prep for having a sub on Tuesday and for half a day Thursday....I have apparently been signed up for last minute training on 1st Steps Math for Tuesday and our school finally got the math computer program, iLearn and the math teachers get to spend Thursday afternoon in the computer lab playing with it.  Looks like the Unit One test will be pushed back a few days.

Enjoy your weekend!



  1. Thanks for linking up! I love your owl notebook! He's so cute.

    MeganI Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  2. I love the notebook, too! I'm mentoring a new teacher this year and also will be having a student teacher next semester. I think I will add a notebook to their gifts! Thanks for the idea!

    Teaching Special Kids


Hootin Around the Classroom